Ancestors of Teresa Sweeney

Your name

Born in parish (townland)

Teresa Sweeney Balla, Co. Mayo

Paternal grandfather’s name

Born in parish (townland)

David McDonagh ? Ballyheane

Paternal grandmother’s maiden name

Born in parish (townland)

Annie Flannagan ? Balla

Maternal grandfather’s name

Born in parish (townland)

Patrick Coleman Carnacon, Ballyglass, Claremorris

Maternal grandmother’s maiden name

Born in parish (townland)

Winifred Flaherty ? Mayo Abbey

1915 Westport area births

and Mother's maiden name births 1915 and Mother's maiden name births 1915

Migration from Mayo to Meath

Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilgeever, County Mayo

Michael J. Hastings, Louisburgh

Kilcoyne/OMalley Louisburgh

O'Malley at

Hastings at

Duffy at

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