Ancestors of Joseph McHale

Your name

Born in parish (townland)

Joseph McHale Oughtagh, Straide

Paternal grandfather’s name

Born in parish (townland)

Patrick McHale Oughtagh, Straide

Paternal grandmother’s maiden name

Born in parish (townland)

Mary Gordon Carracastle Bohola

Maternal grandfather’s name

Born in parish (townland)

William Hannon Barnacollica, Straide (Sligo ? working on railway stayed in Straide)

Maternal grandmother’s maiden name

Born in parish (townland)

Ellen McKeown Cloonconlon, Straide

1915 Westport area births

and Mother's maiden name births 1915 and Mother's maiden name births 1915

Migration from Mayo to Meath

Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilgeever, County Mayo

Michael J. Hastings, Louisburgh

Kilcoyne/OMalley Louisburgh

O'Malley at

Hastings at

Duffy at

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