Some 24 newspapers published in, or pertaining to, Mayo survive for the period 1812 to date. The information in newspapers varies from birth, marriage and death notices to business notices. Although the main interest to genealogists is the notices of births, deaths and marriages, these notices mainly refer to wealthier families. Newspapers can, however, provide excellent details of everything from accidents to court proceedings. It was a common practice for newspapers to publish a list of all those who perished in a boating accident and also to print the details of those who appeared at the local assizes.
Articles submitted by private individuals are also found in local newspapers and these give an insight to Mayo life at that period. The surviving newspapers for Co. Mayo are at the NLI, the British Library (BL) and Mayo Co. Library (MCL), although some of these collections are incomplete. Photocopies are usually available for a fee.
Title: Aegis & Western Courier (Castlebar)
Published: 6.1841-11.1842
Holdings: NLI: 6.1841-11.1842. rnf.
BL: 6.1841-11.1842, Hard copy & rnf.
NLI: 6.1841-11.1842. mf.
MCL: 6.1841-11.1842 mf.
Title: Ballina Advertiser, Mayo & Sligo Commercial Gazette
Published: 1.1840- 11.1843.
Holdings: NLI: 1.1840-11.1843 mf.
BL.1.1840-11.1843 Hard copy & mf.
MCL: 1.1840-11.1843 mf.
Title: Ballioa Chronicle
Published: 5.1849-8.1851, Incorp. with Connaught Watchman.
Holdings: BL. 5.1849-8.1851 mf. & Hard copy
MCL: 5.1849-8.1851 rnf.
Title: Ballina Herald
Published: 1844-1891, cont. as Ballina Herald & Mayo & Sligo Advertiser 1891-4.1962. Incorp. with Western People
Holdings: NLI: 8.1927-4.1962 mf.
BL: 10.1891-11.1892,4.1913-1924,1926-1929,1931-4.1962
Hard copy. 1.-7, & 9.-11.1892 rnf.
MCL: 10.1891-7.1892; 9.1892-11.1892;4.1913-6.1922; 8.1922-
12.1924; 1.1926-4.1962 mf.
Title: Ballina Impartial or Tyrawley Advertiser
Published: 1.1823-11.1835
Holdings: NU: 1.1823-1825; 1827-11.1835 mf.
BL: 1.1823-1825; 1.1827-11.1835 Hard copy & mf.
MCL: 1.1823-11.1835 mf.
Title: Ballina Journal & Connaught Advertiser.
Published: Circa. 1880- 3.1895 ~ Holdings: BL: 11.1882-3.1895 Hard copy & mf.
NLI: 11.1882-3.1895 mf.
Title: Ballinrobe Chronicle & Mayo Advertiser :
Published: 9.1866-12.1867; 4.1868-10.1903
Holdings: NLI: 9.1866-12.1867,4.1868-10.1903 mf.
BL: 9.1866-12.1867, 4.1868-10.1903 Hard copy & mf.
MCL: 9.1866-10.1903 mf. ~,'j(;
Title: Connaught Telegraph (Castlebar) see Telegraph
Title: Connaught Ranger see Telegraph ..
Title: Connaught Watchman (Ballina)
Published: 8.1851-10.1863 -
Holdings: BL: 8.1851-10.1863 Hard copy
8.1851-1859; 1862-10.1863 mf.
MCL: 8.1851-10.1863 mf.
Title: Galway Express, Mayo, Roscommon, Clare & Limerick Advertiser
Published: 1.1853-9.1920
Holdings: NLI: 1885-9.1917 Hard copy
1853-9.1920 mf. (Except the above)
BL: 1.1853-1855,2.1856-1918,4.1919-9.1920 Hard copy & mf.
BELB: 1885-9.1920 mf.
Title: Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo & Clare Chronicle see Irishman
Title: Irishman or Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo & Clare Chronicle
Published: 5-12.1835
Holdings: NLI: 5-12.1835 mf.
BL: 5-12.1835 Hard copy & mf.
Title: Mayo Constitution (Castlebar)
Published: Circa 5.1805- 5.1872
Holdings: NLI: 1853-11.1871 Hard copy.1812*; 1828-1852 mf.
BL: 12.1812*; 1828-11.1871;4.1872*-5.1872* Hard copy & mf.
MCL: 1.1828-11.1871 mf. (* Single issues only)
Title: Mayo Examiner & West of Ireland Agriculture & Commercial Reporter & Advertiser (Castlebar)
Published: 7.1868-6.1903
Holdings: BL: 7.1868-6.1903 (Hard copy) 7.1868-1882; 1884; 1886-1896 (Mf.)
MCL: 7.1868-6.1903 Inf.
SOG: 1877-1883 Inf.
Title: Mayoman (Castlebar)
Published: 5.1919-10.1920,2.-6.1921
Holdings: NLI: 6.1919-10.1920, 2.1921-6.1921 Inf., Imperfect
BL: 5.1919-10.1920, 2.1921-6.1921 Hard copy
MCL: 6.1919-10.1920; 2. -6.1921 mf.
Title: Mayo Mercury & Connaught Advertiser (Castlebar)
Published: 1.1840-3.1841
Holdings: NLI: 1.1840-3.1841 Inf.
BL: 1.1840-3.1841 mf. & Hard copy
MCL: 1.1840-3.1841 Inf.
Title: Mayo News (Westport)
Published: Circa 11.1892 to date.
Holdings: NLI: 6.1921-1976 (Hard copy) 1977 -1981 Inf.
1982-in progress (Hard copy); 1893-1981 Inf.
BL: 1.1893-12.1922.1924- to date. (Hard copy).1893-1976 Inf.
MCL: 1.1893 to date. mf.
Title: Mayo & Sligo Intelligencer seeTyrawly Herald
Title: Telegraph or Connaught Ranger (Castlebar)
Published: 1828-1870; 1876-date (as Connaught Telegraph)
Holdings: NLI: 9.1830-8.1870 Inf.; 6.1879-12.1913. 6.1919-12.1974 (Hard copy)
1975 in progress mf.
BL: 9.1830-12.1855, 2.1856-11.1856, 2. -8.1870; 5. 1876
Hard copy 1876 -1974 MF.
also: 15.12.1869, 12 & 19.1 1870 Hard copy. 9.1830-8.1870 mf.
SOG: 1836-1838 mf.
MCL: 9.1830-8.1870;5.1876 mf.
SMFHRC: Index to all persons listed, 1828-1900
Title: Tyrawly Herald or Mayo & Sligo Intelligencer (Ballina)
Published: 1844-1870
Holdings: NLI: : 1.1844-12.1860, 1.1861-9.1870 mf.
BL: 1.1844-12.1860, 1.1861-9.1870 Inf. & Hard copy
MCL: : 1.1844-9.1870 Inf.
Title: Western Gem (Ballina)
Published: 1843
Holdings: NLI: 4.1843-12.1843 Inf.
BL: None Held
MCL: 4.1843-12.1843 Inf.
Title: Western Nationalist, Roscommon, Mayo, Leitrim & Sligo News (Boyle)
Published: 1907-1920
Holdings: NLI: 3.1907-4.1920 Inf.
BL: 3.1907-4.1920 Inf. & Hard copy
Title: Western People (Ba1lina)
Published: 1883-to date
Holdings: NLI: 1914-1982 Hard copy. 5.1889-12.1913; 1983-in progress mf.
BL: 5.1889-12.1929; 1931-Hard copy. 5.1889-12.1976 mf.
MCL: 5.1889-mf.
Title: Western Star (Ba1lina)
Published: 1835-1837
Holdings: BL: 12.1835-5.1837 Hard copy